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6 months (180 days) $89.99

12 months (365 days) $149.99


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Exclusive new photos added weekly.

100% original content.

Thousands of uncensored, sensually erotic photos.

Special event videos from photoshoots.

Voluptuously curvy amateur model with a wild side.

Ultra sexy wardrobe, costumes, props and accessories used for added eroticism!

Blog, live chats, contests and special member events for members throughout the year.

15+ year archive of Honey Bunz high quality photos.

Nearly every Wicked Weasel bikini design of the last 15 years modeled by yours truly. ;-)

ALL of my bikini community galleries, including photos which were deemed too hot for MM!!!

Personalized galleries available upon request.

No website ads or spam...ever!

Discreet and easy subscription options.

By joining this website you certify that you are 18 years of age or older and agree to viewing adult content. A month represents 30 days. All models appearing on this site are 18 years of age or older at the time of production. All content and images are in compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations. All rights reserved. copyright 2018

Access to the curvaceous world of SHB is just a few clicks away! Once payment is received, I will respond via e-mail within 24 hours (or usually much sooner) to send your subscription password. Please contact me at for any questions.

BTC address: 1MCkybTNydBe7EVYqLc3PaDgY3vAvjYGb3

BCC address: 1MS16bT59hXKQFvnYe9pKKoPEF8UxgyMVw

LTC address: LaLLYkHArM97GtLzRwYwqo1dubFg5Scwh3

All natural, classy and very real woman who loves to share my shapely 38DD-28-42 hourglass figure.



You've all seen it, the amazing Sybian is a modern day orgasmic miracle machine that no woman should be without.  For many years I have read the glowing reviews, heard about the sexy Howard Stern guests who rave about using it and longingly watched the euphoric adult videos of women having mind-blowing orgasms with this machine and secretly wondered if it was as good as they all say?  The total ecstasy and bliss these women describe is purely intoXXXicating and something I really want to experience myself!  But at over $2000.00 with all the accessories and attachments, it was simply too pricey to allow myself to dream of these magical orgasms...until now!


To bring this globally cherished sex toy to the playful world of SHB, I've decided to accept donations to make it cum true.  Many of you have asked for me to do red-hot and wild videos so I couldn't think of a better opportunity to present my curves than with the Sybian!  Help give this toy a happy home on SHB and your reward earns access to my VIP video club!!!

Go ahead, press my excitement buttons! ;-)

For special requests, personalized photoshoots, wardrobe selections, props, gifts, VIP video club access or other support for my modeling efforts, a donation using these payment options below are offered.  Let your mind run wild with erotic possibilities!  Contact me with your hot ideas and sexy details... together I'm sure we can create a very memorable gallery! ;-)

SHB copyright 2018